We dedicate our lives to chained dog awareness

The Chained Dog Awareness NZ Charitable Trust (CDANZ) is a registered organization (CC37098) built to educate the owners of chained dogs and to re-home and rehabilitate those that are rescued..

We are small group of volunteers who are working hard to end the life-chaining of dogs in NZ by creating awareness, working with dog-owners, advocating for changes to welfare legislation and basically helping the animals we come across in any way we can!

What is a chained dog?

Typically this means:
  • Water is rarely provided
  • The dog has little suitable shelter
  • Food is provided when and if the “owner” remembers
  • The dog is never de-fleaed or de-wormed
  • The dog is not registered, vaccinated, microchipped or de-sexed due to lack of funds therefore it is chained or locked out of sight.
  • Faeces are rarely removed from underfoot
  • They have little or no human interaction
  • They are never exercised and the owners have no collars or leads to do so
  • Generation after generation see chaining as “normal”
  • There is total ignorance of what a dog needs

Building chain dog awareness in NZ:

As a result the average chained dog’s lifespan is approx. 18 months due to a combination of things such as long-term dehydration, malnutrition, pest infestation, blood poisoning, multiple pregnancies, lack of exercise and no medical attention or care.

Every breed of dog from big dogs to tiny lap dogs are chained; behind garages, under hedges, on rubbish heaps, scraps of wood, concrete or on dirt, locked under houses never to see daylight, walk on grass or experience human company ever again.

They are silent, they never bark and without seeing them you would never know they are there. Some are used as breeding machines and there are literally thousands of them.

Chained Dog Awareness New Zealand is a small group of volunteers who are working hard to end the life-chaining of dogs in NZ by creating awareness; working with dog-owners; advocating for changes to welfare legislation & basically helping the animals we come across in any way we can!

To end the life-chaining of dogs in New Zealand through support, education and advocacy please support our cause.

Speak up and help us improve chained dog’s lives forever.

The greatness of a nation and it’s moral progress
can be judged by the way its animals are treated
– Mahatma Gandhi

New hands are always welcome! Discover the ways to volunteer in our charity.

chained dog awareness nz